Saturday, January 2, 2010

6 Weeks Out...

I can't believe it has been 6 weeks since my knee was done. Yesterday was my 6 week new knee birthday. Although my original plan was to go back to school on Monday, I'm now looking at going back on Wednesday. My shoulder is doing better, but I still need to see the chriopractor at least once more before I go back. I saw him again today and he worked on my shoulder more.  I go to PT once more down here, and then I hope to be transferring to a PT up closer to where I live since I'll be going back to my place when I go back to school.

So, in retrospect, the surgery went probably about how I expected. The pain was only intense the first week or so. There was pain afterward, sure, but it wasn't more most of the time than I experienced on my old knee anyway. I'm still working on increasing my range of motion on the new knee, that will be a slow and steady climb over the next month or two I think. But the new knee is feeling good overall. Still stiff and swollen sometimes, but I don't have that aching, bone on bone feeling like I used to have in my knee.